Vivian Walman-Randall

An Ocean Apart

Mentor: Alison Williams

My novel in progress, An Ocean Apart, is a story developed between two women across time. Through the temporally distant but thematically intersecting narratives of a pirate and a journalist, my novel explores the varieties in the female mind and the ever changing perspectives about the sea and humanity’s relationship to it. During the Raab Fellowship, I hope to complete a novella that will be a stand-alone segment of my larger, overarching project. Alongside my own writing, I will be researching the stylistics of creative writing via a variety of texts. Specifically, I’ll be focusing on Barbara Kingsolver’s Prodigal Summer and Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere Journals and Alfoxden Journals as two important models for my own writing. My research and creative process will be documented on my personal website:

Read more about Vivian’s novel An Ocean Apart
