Ryan Rising

Prison Traumatic Stress Disorder

Mentor: Peter Huk

Using my personal story of growing up incarcerated in the prison industrial complex since the age of 12, I give the readers a raw uncut look at the dehumanization, violence, and lack of rehabilitation that incarcerated individuals are forced to accept and endure. I intertwine the poetry I wrote while incarcerated with my story to help the reader feel the pain, and the anger, and emotions enhancing my readers’ minds to the miserable conditions that I was forced to survive. My hope in writing this book is that it inspires my readers to join in the movement to abolish the current punishment system in place and build restorative justice praxis. I hope your great-grandchildren and my own don’t have to experience what I, along with millions of others have had to, at the hands of the Department of Corruption.

See the title page of Prison Traumatic Stress Disorder & New Folsom Poetry

Reflection and a reading of the poem “Ambitions to Live”